Victoria Rydberg-Nania

Victoria Rydberg-Nania is an educator passionate about innovation in education, project-based learning, and using the environment as a context for learning to give students a brighter future. Currently serving as the statewide Environmental Education Consultant for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Victoria works with teachers and organizations all over the state to increase the capacity for meaningful environmental education.
Victoria founded River Crossing Environmental Charter School in 2002 where she provided a project-based learning experience for seventh and eighth grade students and is co-founder of the Wisconsin Green Schools Network and F.I.E.L.D. Corps model. She is adjunct faculty at Edgewood College and serves as an advisory member for the National Green Schools Network. Additionally, Victoria held teaching positions in reading, English, and graphic design in Wisconsin and at an environmental education camp in Far Eastern Russia. Victoria has a Master of Science in Natural Resources: Environmental Education from the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Winona State University, and an Associates of Applied Science in Graphic Design from Western Technical College.
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Hands On, Feet Wet: The Story of River Crossing Environmental Charter School
Hands On, Feet Wet: The Story of River Crossing Charter School reflects on the first five years of one teacher's quest to empower students and create a strong learning community through project-based environmental education experiences.
Arranged by months, the reader moves through the academic year learning about key practices and activities that weave together the fabric of the school culture. Featuring student and community partner reflections, news articles, and work samples, Hands On, Feet Wet strives to inspire others to challenge the status quo model of education.
Originally published in 2007 and reprinted 2008 under a grant from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, more than 2,500 copies were distributed free of charge. Although the print version is no longer available (although some clever entrepreneurs are selling their free copies on Amazon) readers can learn the lessons from this award-winning school by downloading the PDF version (35.5MB)
In addition to numerous local and state articles, Hands On, Feet Wet: The Story of River Crossing Environmental Charter School was reviewed in the journal Children, Youth and Environments, and the school was featured in Smart by Nature from the Center for Ecoliteracy and The Obama Education Plan: An Education Week Guide.
The teacher and the school received the following recognitions:
▶ Badger Bioneer, 2010
Sustain Dane
▶ Charter School Teacher of the Year, 2009
Wisconsin Charter Schools Association
▶ High Achieving Charter School of the Year, Gold Award, 2009
Wisconsin Charter Schools Association
▶ EdVisions/Gates Foundation Partner School, 2006
▶ Environmental Educator of the Year, 2005
Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education
▶ Conservation Educator of the Year, 2005
Wisconsin Conservation Congress
▶ True Spirit of Conservation, 2004
Wisconsin Waterfowl Association
▶ National Charter School Video Competition, 3rd Place, 2004
National Charter Schools Week
▶ K-12 EarthGuard Award, 2003
Wisconsin Association of Environmental Education
Hands On, Feet Wet: Digging Deeper into Mathematical Topics (2008)
Published 2008 under a grant from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Although the print version is no longer available readers can learn the lessons from this award-winning school by downloading the PDF version (coming soon).
Promising Practices: Learner-Centered Teaching in F.I.E.L.D. Corps
An interview with Education Outreach and Partnerships at the University of Wisconsin - Madison as a part of their "Promising Practices" series. 2014
Articles, Blogs, and Columns
Increase Student Motivation through Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose blog published January 16, 2017 at Getting
Collaboration: An Essential Skill for Growing a StateGreen Schools Network published November 3, 2016 on the Green Schools National Network
Engaging and Empowering Students in Authentic Environmental Learning published October 20, 2016 on Partnership for 21st Century Learning
Wisconsin F.I.E.L.D. Corps Program Connects Biologists and Classrooms for Hands-on Outdoor Education published on November 11, 2015 in "Green Notes" from Green Schools National Network.